Green Climate Fund Procurement Advisory
As an accredited organisation to Green Climate Fund (GCF), we provide technical support to public and private sectors to prepare project concept notes, proposals, policy frameworks that qualify their proposed projects for GCF Funding.
Our participation in GCF Board meetings avail us the opportunity to advise our clients on the salient requirements to achieve the project funding, in line with advancing policies and regulations of GCF.
We collaborate with GCF National Designated Authority for Nigeria to support our clients.
Climate Change (CC) is the gradual increase in temperature of the Earth's surface that has worsened since the industrial revolution. Considerable evidence exists that most of the warming has been caused by human activities and have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through build-up of greenhouse gases (GHG); primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The impacts of CC could be very enormous and already being manifest in our environment in terms of flooding, unusual weather conditions, etc.
Organizations and industries whose activities contribute GHG into the atmosphere can save our earth by seeking ways of reducing their contribution to CC. Energy, Industrial, Forestry, Agriculture sectors are among the major contributors of GHG in our world today. Real estate also contribute, more so in our environment due to reliance on diesel for electricity generation.
EcoPro can assist organizations in calculating their carbon footprints and developing operational strategies for reducing GHG emissions and make their business more environmentally sustainable.