Noise/Acoustic Studies
We offer a wide range of innovative services to achieve the acoustic requirements of every project; including; industrial or architecture and building acoustics. From new construction projects to retrofits; our services provide and support solutions to acoustics challenges related to environment protection, human health, safety and well-being. Among our services are:
- Survey of Sound Levels; e.g.: Leq, DNL, L10, L01, L50, L90, etc
- Modeling and analyzing noise from: traffic, aircraft, commercial, industrial, construction, light and heavy rail, power plant, aggregate mining, and housing project
- Determine federal/state/local noise code compliance and community noise exposure,
- Recommend methods for noise reduction. Design/specify noise mitigation measures,
- Prepare noise analysis reports for use in preparing environmental assessments,
- Provide expert testimony in public hearings, meetings, and court.
We provide our clients with quality solution for various acoustic problem such as: control noise, reduce vibrations, noise isolation, control the reverberation, isolate vibrations, etc.