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This project involved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a 9.72MW Independent Power generating plant and distr
This EIA covers construction of a 9.5MW independent gas-powered generating and the distribution network of approximat
This assignment involved monitoring g of the activities of Excravos Gas To Liquid (EGTL) project to ensure that
This RAP involved enumeration and identification of all potential persons and assets that would be affected by the pr
This EIA involved two-seasons field study and assessment of associated and potential environmental and Social Impacts
This project involved periodic (monthly) monitoring of the impacts of reclamation activities of 150 Ha of land on Lag
The project covers an overall length of 37km and right-of-way (RoW) of over 200ha.
The project covers an overall length of 37km and right-of-way (RoW) of over 200ha.
This EIA activities covered; field studies of biophysical and social characteristics of the project environment, eval

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